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Micronesian Area Research Center
Micronesian Area Research Center
Richard F. Taitano Micronesian Area Research Center
Welcome to the Micronesian Area Research Center (MARC) website!
- Mondays: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. / 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
- Tuesdays: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. / 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. (Genealogy Collection Users)
- Wednesdays: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. / 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. (Genealogy Collection Users)
- Thursdays: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. / 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
MANUSCRIPTS & SPANISH DOCUMENTS (SDC/MSS) (Maximum capacity: 1 person)
- Mondays-Thursdays: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. / 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
All visitors must sign a Declaration of Individual Attesting to COVID-19 Vaccination form before entering the collections.

The Richard F. Taitano Micronesian Area Research Center was formally created in 1967 by Guam Public Law No. 9-106. This Public Law was introduced by Guam Congressman Richard Flores Taitano and the Research Center was named after him on its Thirtieth Anniversary in 1997.
The legislative creation of MARC was the result of a gathering together of scholars by former UOG President Dr. Antonio C. Yamashita and a transfer of funding for the enterprise by former Governor Manual F. Guerrero.
This Center contains over 40,000 volumes of resource materials on Guam and Micronesia, and 800 unpublished theses and dissertations. It contains many early publications such as the Guam Recorder.
There are housed at MARC more than 100,000 pages of Spanish documents, 23,000 photographic prints, 90,000 negatives, and 4,000 slides.
A popular part of the collection is the CHamoru Genealogy section, where more than 100 family genealogies have been traced.
A map collection is also maintained, and a manuscripts collection.
MARC has an impressive list of publications produced by MARC scholars, and the publication effort continues with the UOG Press currently housed at MARC.
MARC is currently undergoing a renewal of efforts on its 50th Anniversary and has established task forces to work on further developing the various aspects of the Center. MARC welcomes volunteers and students to partake of this process! A great proportion of the renewal efforts will be devoted to increased web based information to allow members of the public access to the treasure trove of information retained by MARC.
UOG President Emeritus Robert Underwood and University Abat Oliba CEU of Barcelona President Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga will discuss the ongoing impact of historical events and how contemporary perspectives shape our understanding of the past.
The Micronesian Area Research Center (MARC) of the University of Guam proudly announces the public release of the App Bisita: Historic Guam.
His Excellency Surangel Whipps Jr., President of the Republic of Palau, will be the keynote speaker at the 2024 University of Guam Conference on Island Sustainability.
The Micronesian Area Research Center at UOG partners with a new think tank to promote independent research on geopolitical developments in the Pacific, with a focus on the Micronesia region.
A $1.13 million federal grant will help provide training for research about Chamoru language and culture in Guam, CNMI
Storie Carriveau Monique

Carson T. Michael

Guerrero-Meno LaVonne

Leon Guerrero Victoria-Lola

Madrid Carlos

Kuper G. Kenneth

Raigetal H. Larry

Taitano M. Melissa

Rubinstein H. Donald

Retired Director and Faculty
- Dr. John A. Peterson, Director
- Dr. Hiro Kurashina, Director Emeritus
- †Dr. Dirk Ballendorf, Professor of Micronesian Studies
- †Donald Shuster, Professor of Education
- Marjorie G. Driver, Associate Professor, Spanish Documents
- Dr. Marilyn Salas, Acting Director Center of Excellence in Chamorro Language and Culture; Associate Professor, Elementary Education
MARC Emeritus
- †Sr. Felicia E. Plaza, M.M.B., Professor Emerita of Mathematics
- Kenneth L. Carriveau, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Library Science
- Paul Carano, M.A., Professor Emeritus of History
- Thomas McGrath, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Anthropology
- Hiro Kurashina, Ph.D., Director Emeritus of MARC
- Dr. Mary Spencer, Professor of Psychology & Micronesian Studies
Richard Flores Taitano
Micronesian Area Research Center
UOG Station
Mangilao, Guam 96923
Office: (671) 735-2160/2161
Fax: (671) 734-7403
For Publications Inquiries or Orders, email:
General Reference Inquiries, email:
Board of Advisors
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