Assessment Committee

Assessment Committee

Assessment Committee

Functions of the Committee

To systematize assessment on an institutional level through, among other activities or actions, regularizing deadlines for programs and units to report on plans, reports, and “closing the loop” actions; oversee assessment at all levels at the University of Guam, including General Education; to provide opportunities for training and support of faculty in assessment; to develop and oversee the assessment of University-wide expected student learning outcomes (SLOs) that should be linked to program and course SLOs ; to collaborate in University assessment activities such as program review and make recommendations to the appropriate body; to advise the University on assessment matters.

Operations of the Committee

The committee operates under the Office of the Senior Vice President and is supported by the Assessment Officer/ Institutional Researcher who sits on the committee.  The committee meets at least once a month during the regular semester.  Minutes are kept and filed in the AO/IR’s office.


One member from each college/school nominated by the Dean/Director, normally someone skilled and/or trained in assessment, who chairs the college/school assessment committee; one member from student affairs appointed by the SVP; the Chair of the General Education Review Committee; one at-large member appointed by the SVP.  Ad hoc members may be invited from time-to-time for specific projects and as the need arises.

Institutional Expected Student Learning Outcomes

UOG Expected Student Learning Outcomes December 2008

Some of the expected fundamental knowledge, skills, and values that the University of Guam student will have demonstrated upon completion of any degree are:

  • Mastery of critical thinking and problem solving
  • Mastery of quantitative analysis
  • Effective oral and written  communication
  • Understanding and appreciation of  culturally diverse people, ideas and values in a democratic context
  • Responsible use of knowledge, natural resources, and technology
  • An appreciation of the arts and sciences
  • An interest in personal development and lifelong learning



How I learned not to be afraid of writing PLOs