The program hosted an appreciation banquet on Aug. 13 to thank the UOG esports community.
More...“Ridge to reef is the focus ... what we can do to minimize erosion and the negative impact to the sea.”
More...Originally from the Marshall Islands, Alicia Edwards is now pursuing her master's in biology at UOG.
More...The tour will focus on the first CHamorus and how they thrived in a Pacific island environment.
More...The Saipan Chamber of Commerce awarded scholarships to 11 students on Aug. 4.
More...UOG Press is seeking experts to read and review academic and creative manuscripts.
More...We are very excited to welcome you back to the University of Guam campus for the Fanuchånan 2021semester.
More...The performance-based award is the second highest award given by the national SHRM organization.
More...SGA aims to represent the interests of students while protecting and preserving UOG traditions.