Check out the University of Guam in the latest headlines from Aug. 11-17!
More...The University of Guam welcomes seven new administrators and new presidents of the Faculty Union and Faculty Senate for the 2018-2019 academic year.
More...The College of Natural & Applied Sciences and the Marine Laboratory at the University of Guam hosted high school students from the Philippines in June and July for an 80-hour science immersion internship program.
More...Deloso presented the results of an island-wide survey designed to determine the extent of a natural enemy of the fadang tree.
More...Check out the University of Guam in the latest headlines from Aug. 4-10!
More...Seven University of Guam students received Research Corporation of the University of Guam (RCUOG) travel awards for education-related travel occurring through Dec. 31, 2018.
More...The John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship is a one-year fellowship in which participants gain hands-on experience at host government offices in Washington, D.C.
More...The UOG Sea Grant Program will be handing out free handbooks from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. tomorrow, July 7, at the Home Depot in Tamuning.
More...The intensive course took students on a comparative journey through the forests of Saipan and Guam.