Plant pathologist Robert Schlub says half of the ironwoods that appear healthy today will likely decline in the next 13 years.
More...A UOG graduate student's study seeks to find answers toward developing Guam river eel as a sustainable food source.
More...Authored by a UOG alum Ben Deloso and grad student CJ Paulino, the formal description is published in Orchideen Journal.
More...The study discovered that visible differences in the same jellyfish species are environmentally driven.
More...A team led by Associate Professor David Combosch is looking into if and how corals throughout the Marianas are connected.
More...CHamoru, Yapese, Chuukese, and Pohnpeian ethnicities were part of the study's subject sample.
More...The UOG Cancer Research Center is rolling out an innovative pilot curriculum for Guam middle schools.
More...Published research by Dr. Michael Carson dates cowrie-shell octopus lures in the Marianas to first settlements in 1500 B.C.
More...NOAA has officially granted Sea Grant Institutional Program status to the University of Guam.