Soil & Water Conservation Districts
The Soil & Water Conservation Districts and district boards were created by Public Law 31-125:2 (Chapter 71, Title 5, Guam Code Annotated). This law established a northern and a southern district to work in partnership with the University of Guam and in cooperation with all Government of Guam entities overseeing local and federal programs established to promote the conservation, development, and use of soil and water resources of Guam. The entities are to work to control and prevent soil erosion and flooding and to improve agriculture water management.
The Northern District’s jurisdiction encompasses the land area to the north of Route 4, which extends from Agana Bay Paseo Loop Bridge to Pago Bay Bridge. The Southern District’s jurisdiction encompasses the land area to the south of Route 4.
Each district board, the Northern District Board and the Southern District Board, is made up of five district directors. The directors are elected from within and among district members.
The membership of each district is made up of farmers, farmland owners, and land occupiers in said district. A farmer is defined as a resident registered as a farmer by the Department of Agriculture. A farmland owner is a person, firm, or corporation who is an owner or operator of land used for the purpose of producing aquaculture products, bushes, crops, fruit or nut-bearing trees, herbs, livestock, ornamentals, timber, or vines. A land occupier is any person, firm, or corporation who holds title to or, in the case of leased land, the person, firm, or corporation who holds possession of any lands lying within a district.
Each district board shall: a) invite farmers, farmland owners, and land occupiers in their respective district to register as members and b) cause each registered member to be listed in an official registry of active members. Said registry is to be maintained and updated quarterly, as needed, by each district board. Said registry of active members is used by the University of Guam to determine eligible voters and district director candidates as well as eligible nominators for director candidates in each district.
With respect to this statute, the University is to work in partnership with the Soil and Water Conservation District Boards to promote and support the conservation of Guam’s soil and water resources.
The University: