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Insects, Pests, and Plant Diseases
Insects, Pests, and Plant Diseases
Insects, Pests, and Plant Diseases
Insects, Pests, and Plant Diseases
Fence Systems
Title | Type | Year | Author |
Electric Fence for Feral Swine | Fact Sheet | 2021 | Joe Tuquero |
Non-Electric Exclusion Fence for Farm Systems in Guam | Fact Sheet | 2021 | Joe Tuquero |
Pesticide and Herbicide Use
- DIY Non-Toxic Insect Spray for Garden Pests
- DIY Pesticide Wand Extender for Pests in Tall Trees (2015)
- Guam Fruit and Vegetable Pesticide Guide (2024)
- Storing Pesticides Safety (2015)
- Turfgrass Series: General Information on Usage of Pesticides (2021)
- Using Herbicide (2015)
- Urban Pests: Home Pesticide Safety (2017)
Pests in the Home
Urban Pest Series (2017)
Invasive Insects
Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle
- (Brochure) Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle Behavior & Biology (2017)
- (Brochure) Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle Overview
- (Brochure) Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle Trapping Methods (2016)
- (Poster) Life Cycle of the Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle (1985)
Crop and Plant Diseases
Foliar Pathogens in Guam Series (2021)
- Albugo (Disease: White Rust)
- Alternaria and Stemphylium (Diseases: Early Blight, Bull's Eye, Leaf Blight, Gray Leaf Spot)
- Ascochyta (Diseases: Gummy Stem Blight, Leaf Spot)
- Botrytis (Diseases: Gray Mold, Tan Leaf Spot)
- Cephaleuros (Diseases: Algal Leaf Spot, Red Rust)
- Cercospora (Diseases: Leaf Spot, Cercospora Leaf Spot, Frogeye, Leaf Streak)
- Colletotrichum (Diseases: Anthracnose)
- Corynespora (Diseases: Target Spot, Bull's Eye, Leaf Blight)
- Erisyphe (Oidium) (Disease: Powdery Mildew)
- Fusarium (Gibberella) (Diseases: Fusarium Wilt, Leaf Spot of Orchid)
- Helminthosporium (Diseases: Southern Leaf Blight, Leaf Spot)
- Peronospora (Diseases: Downy Mildew)
- Phomopsis (Diaporthe) (Diseases: Phomopsis Blight, Leaf Spot)
- Phyllosticta (Guignardia) (Diseases: Leaf Spot, Freckle)
- Phytophthora (Diseases: Late Blight, Leaf Spot, Leaf or Canopy Blight)
- Puccinia and Uromyces (Disease: Rust)
- Banana Bunchy Top Disease
- Banana Bunchy Top Disease Prevention & Control (2013)
- Citrus Greening (Huanglongbing) (2016)
- Tinangaja (2005)
- Index of Plant Diseases in Guam (2022)
- Insects of Cruciferous Crops and Their Control on Guam (1995)
- Insect Pests of Cucurbitaceous Crops and Their Control on Guam (1995)
- Pests of Cabbage and Other Crucifer Crops in Micronesia (1990)
- (Poster) Plant Diseases of the Western Pacific Tropical Island of Guam (2017)
- (Poster) Pathogens Linked to the Decline of Casuarina equisetifolia on the Western Pacific Tropical Island of Guam (2017)
Weeds and Lawn Diseases
The publications listed here are those most commonly downloaded. To search a complete database of publications by topic, visit the UOG Extension Publications module here.
Core Pesticide Applicator Review Workshop
Farmers needing to obtain a Pesticide Applicator Certification with Guam EPA can sign
up for this review workshop prior to scheduling their exam with Guam EPA. Participants
will receive the Core Pesticide Applicator booklet and review materials to go over
before the workshop.
To be added to the waiting list for the next workshop, please contact Katherine Perez at
Agriculture & Natural Resources Office
Tel: (671) 735-2062
Extension Agents
Bamba P. Jesse

Quitugua Roland

Tuquero E. Joseph
