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4-H Youth Development Program
4-H Youth Development Program
4-H Youth Development Program
Guam 4-H Youth Development Program
Empowering young people with the skills to lead for a lifetime
4-H is America's largest youth development organization. 4-H programs are delivered through the Cooperative Extension function of more than 100 land-grant universities across the nation. The programs are collectively working toward a common mission of assisting youth in acquiring knowledge, developing skills, and forming attitudes that will enable them to become self-directing, productive, and contributing members of society.
The 4-H mission is carried out through the involvement of parents, volunteer leaders, and other adults who organize educational events and experiences in community and family settings. These hands-on, learn-by-doing experiences are supported by research and extension functions represented by the land-grant universities, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and cooperating local governments with support from the National 4-H Council and other private support.
4-H Pledge
"I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, and my health to better living for my club, my community, my country, and my world."
4-H is offering 12 themed youth development camps this summer beginning May 28.
The 4-H program will be holding nine themed summer camps this year, starting May 22.
Youth from the military community learned about the island's fruits, bugs, and agriculture.
The 4-H program started a volunteer program for UOG students in STEM and education-focused majors.
4-H Youth Development Main Office
Tel: (671) 735-2040/1
Location: Agriculture & Life Sciences Bldg., Room 111
4-H State Program Leader
Kyota J. Clifford

Extension Agents
Rios Dareon

Administrative Assistant
Lujan F. Audreymay
